
Rice Puddin'

DAY 1 of rice cereal!! Shhhh.... he thinks it's puddin'.
Jake looks like a seasoned spoon-eater in this fine video!

It is so fun for Shawn and I to witness Jacob discover anything and everything! However, I imagine by the time he learns how to play "I SPY", we'll be over it.

Jake: "I spy a tree. I spy another tree." Mama might say, "I spy something with leaves that doesn't talk! Let's pretend we are trees!!!"


pelicanl said...

These are great, Jake is such a relaxed and content little man!

Grampa B

Anonymous said...

Gosh, it is so neat that you are sharing Jake and all his accomplishments with all of us~!~~ He remains the cutest little sucker on the planet!!! And how did he get so good with a spoon in such a short tiem?? You two so obviously ADORE this little precious gift and it is amazing to watch. We love you guys!!!Auntie Jodi

Anonymous said...

Next week it is Grandma Kimm's turn to feed Jake!!!! I can hardly wait til I see you all.